- ビデオ字幕機能
- Windows設定のアクセシビリティ設定で表示ONにできる(標準でON,黒の上に白となっている)ビデオライブ字幕機能について、精度更新および字幕が不自然に途切れる症状の改善。
- ビデオ字幕の位置を調整。
- 天気アイコンに表示される温度
- タスクバーを左側に揃えると、タスクバーの天気アイコンの上に気温が表示されるように修正。
- ウィンドウの表示修正
- ウィンドウの最小化・最大化・閉じるボタンについて、アプリウィンドウを最大化時にすぐに機能しないことがあったが、その修正
<追記:4/25 品質向上更新プログラムの修正・追加内容>
- Windowsの Secure Boot コンポーネントをサービスするための機能強化を追加
- 特定の MSIX アプリをインストールした後に AppX Deployment Service (AppXSvc) が動作しなくなる問題に対処
- 停止エラーの原因となる可能性があるスタートアップ プロセスの早い段階で発生する競合状態に対処
- Microsoft Ege IE モードの Title 属性に影響する問題に対処
- グループ ポリシーのセキュリティ部分をコンピューターにコピーできない可能性がある問題に対処
- Microsoft Foundation クラス (MFC) ダイアログ内で、Microsoft RDP クライアント コントロールバージョン 11 以降のインスタンス化を妨げる問題に対処
- SMB マルチチャネル接続に影響し、13A または C2 エラーが発生する可能性がある問題に対処
- Edgeのツールバー横の「…」から設定を開く
- プロファイル⇒パスワード⇒「パスワードの保存を提案」にチェック
- 「その他の設定▽」から「強力なパスワードを推奨する」にチェックを入れる
- ツールバー右方にあるコレクションアイコンをクリック(または[Ctrl+Shift+Y])でコレクション機能が利用可能
- Web記事の追加やそれに対するメモ・テキスト・画像のコメントアウトが可能。
KB5013943 Hello and welcome to the Windows 11 release notes for May 2022. I'm Christine from the Windows Servicing and Delivery team. This month we are about going to share tips about Microsoft Edge to help you learn more about managing passwords and the Collections feature. First,Let's talk about this month's update. ■Monthly release (Monthly security updats: focus mainly on security issues, and improvements from the preview release) As you probably already know,all security updates primarily address security issues. In addition to that, a security update also contains the improvements from the previous month's preview release. <①Improvements> Here are some of the issues we've addressed: (Video subtitles)〇Resolved If you've turned on video subtitles and have noticed they were partially cut off, we've addressed that issue for you. :Improved We've also placed video subtitles back in proper alignment. :Properly aligned (Temperature displayed on weather icon)〇Resolved If you've aligned your taskbar on the left,we now display the temperature on top of the weather icon on taskbar. (Appwindows,when maximized, improved)〇Resolved And the minimize, and maximize, and close buttons once again work as you expect when you've maximized an app window. You can find out more aboutthe other improvements by reading the highlights section and the improvement section of the April preview and the May security articles. <②Microsoft Edge tips> ■Generate strong passwords Did you know that Microsoft Edge has a setting that will generate strong passwords for you? To get to this feature, open Microsoft Edge. In the upper right corner, select the ellipsis,the three dots in the upper right corner of the Edge toolbar, and click or tap Settings. Select Profiles and then Passwords. On the menu that appears, first ensure the slider Offer to save passwords is in the on position. Click or tap More settings and ensure that the slider Suggest strong passwords is in the on position. Now, when you go to a website that requires you to create a new password,Edge suggests a strong password for you. Edge suggests a strong password for you. Edge also saves these passwords so that you don't have to remember them next time you go to the site. ■Collections Another great feature in Microsoft Edge is Collections. Collections help you keep track of pages, images, pretty much everything on the web. To use this feature,first ensure that Collections is turned on. Open Microsoft Edge, select the ellipsis and go to Settings. Select Appearance and scroll to Customize toolbar. Make sure the Collections slider is in the on position. Now every time you open Edge,Collections will be at the top right. To get started, select Collections,or use the keyboard shortcut [Ctrl + Shift + Y]. Select Start a new collection. For example, you can add the webpage you are currently on! Or you can highlight text, select a current collection, and paste in the text. Are there Windows 11 features that you'd like to know more about? Thanks for watching.